Robert Kiyosaki : The Rich dad Difference , difference number 1 , the three types of education academic professional and financial Robert Kiyosaki explains the 3 types of education and why financial education is most critical if you want to become wealthy.It's Time To Get Smarter With Your Money.Financial education is rarely taught at school or at home or anywhere else for that matter! This is where you learn how to make money work for you (as distinct to you working for money as above). Most people don’t even realise that scholastic and professional education will only get you so far.
"...It's become even clearer to me that what Robert talks about and teaches is more important than ever. Financial education is crucial to this country at this point, and Robert's acumen in this area cannot be disputed."
- Donald J. Trump
Creating Cash Flow in the New Economy
Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.